Read Chapter 2: “Las Uvas/Grapes.”
As you read, think about these questions. Use your evidence flags to mark specific passages in the text to discuss with your triad. You do not need to write out answers as part of your homework; just keep track of your thinking with your evidence flags. 1. Describe the geographical setting of Esperanza Rising. What is it like where Esperanza lives? Use details from the text to support your answer. 2. What is Esperanza’s relationship with her papa like? How do you know? 3. What is Esperanza’s life like in Mexico? |
1. The first paragraph on page 8 says that Esperanza would like to live at El Rancho de las
Rosas with her Mama and Papa forever. Why does she feel this way? Find details from the
text to explain your answer.
2. On pages 8–12, Esperanza and Mama seem to be worried about Papa. What specific words
or phrases in this section of the novel help you know that they are worried? Why are they
worried? Use evidence from the text in your answer.
3. On pages 14 and 15, what two pieces of advice does Abuelita give Esperanza? How does
Esperanza respond to the advice? Use evidence from the text in your answer.
4. On page 18, Esperanza says that a “deep river” runs between her and Miguel. What does
she mean? How does Miguel respond when she tells him this? Use details from the text in
your answer.
5. At the end of the chapter, why does Esperanza feel her heart drop and that she has sunk
into a “dark hole of despair and disbelief”? Use details from the text in your answer.
Rosas with her Mama and Papa forever. Why does she feel this way? Find details from the
text to explain your answer.
2. On pages 8–12, Esperanza and Mama seem to be worried about Papa. What specific words
or phrases in this section of the novel help you know that they are worried? Why are they
worried? Use evidence from the text in your answer.
3. On pages 14 and 15, what two pieces of advice does Abuelita give Esperanza? How does
Esperanza respond to the advice? Use evidence from the text in your answer.
4. On page 18, Esperanza says that a “deep river” runs between her and Miguel. What does
she mean? How does Miguel respond when she tells him this? Use details from the text in
your answer.
5. At the end of the chapter, why does Esperanza feel her heart drop and that she has sunk
into a “dark hole of despair and disbelief”? Use details from the text in your answer.