Haiku pinterest board of different haiku presentation formats and examples
Newsela news site apppropriate for kids
- is a site that has related and similar sites on the web
- Have kids operate the pace, roles, and accountability of book club
- software to use Nearpod/haiku/edmodo/classdojo/prezi/teded/kahn/learnzillion/readworks/
- 25 great youtube channels for education. I want to make sure to use this to make a new page on the website so kids can access lots of new videos
- This page has over 190 youtube channels that help kids and teachers alike.
- Make a link to certain area of page VIDEO TUTORIAL
- EXPLORE.ORG has a ton of webcams of natural animals
- Udemy is a MOOC
- Learn about the book DRIVE (what motivates us)
- life coaching application for the classroom.
- use M&M's to teach fractions and probability
- Use FreeRice to get kids to do work
- Find out about kids dreams and aim to help them acheive those dreams in life.
- montesorri practices
- Play pods
- smart notebook will now be applicable for our district. (SMART EXCHANGE) Look for lessons
- Easy MP projection to project wirelessly.
- remember to think about the students perception of class. Too much sitting, not enough input from them. Ar they just sitting or doing something to solve?
- padlet is an idea of tech to do with the kids
- gamestar mechanic is a site where kids build video games
- institute of play seems like a good source of inspiration
- a place for some decent math resources
- YUMMYMATH real world math problems
- E-Line Media doing game based education
- HISTORIA game based history and civilizations game
- Comic book generator for kids to be able to design and publish comics that tell info.
- Infographics as another way to publish knowledge and information (find generator)
- Current events for kids each day or week (find a site with kid-appropriate and interest
- ILP indiv. learning plan. I want to meet with each kid every other day and discuss all their work and their assessments to track and monitor progress. Also have personal relationship with each of them and ask fun questions about their life.
- Call home to parents every other week or as needed. Create a better bond with them.
- Send voice notes and texts to parents regularly
- Call when kids don't do HW. Hold in for recess and find alternatives to holding in recess
- Flip HW alot and find fun HW yet still have worthwhile learning both at home and school.
- What is success and challenge their thinking of success as simply going to college
- Mindshift is a site of innovative teaching ideas Their Pinterest board
- Photo editing sites: Fotor / Be Funky / Ribbet / and PicMonkey
- NexGenLearning is awesome website for innovation in education
- Grade 5 Inquiry project seems like an ok site
- a site where there are free resources and playlists of instructional materials.
- is a new way to grade without letter or number grades but based on evidence and rubrics. Hopefully the way of thr future
- Open Educational Resources OER page from Edutopia
- Guide to create an OER. This will be useful for and
- EdSurge site with innovative education ideas and articles
- Example of an OER for high school chemistry
- BrainPOP game-based ideas and resoruces
- TIME top 50 websites of 2014
- Pinterest widget builder to incorpoarte pinterest boards on websites
- Maker Movement ideas
- MindShift educational inspiration
- Awesome site with tons of videos per NGSS stardard
- Michael Gorman's 21st century skills blog
- ZAPTION is a site where youtube videos get blended with questions
- INFOGRAPHIC MAKERS - Lets move making kids more active again and get them out and moving.
- use the newspaper to teach writing. link to article
- 5th grade website with interesting ideas and layout
- make sure to stress information plus thinking = knowledge
- Pinterest page of 5th grade common core
- Inspirational video youtube channel and more vids
- Summit public schools great innovator with ILP
- Cool school with different values
- NLP for spelling google search
- Read A Loud lists from good read
- Boomerang is a gmail app to schedule emails to go out.