I can obtain and combine information about ways individual
communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.
Overview / Directions
Watch The Lorax on the EnoBoard
Watch this 11 year old give a TED talk about an Environmental Issue This week you are to write a blog entry about an environmental topic. This will be partly informational and partly persuasive. Introduce your The environmental topic you would like to focus on which can be the negative impacts of Cotton or the problems with us buying so much STUFF. (you have notes about both of these topics.) Write a paragraph or two about this environmental issue. Background, why it's bad, what happens that makes it so bad. You will then write a paragraph on the effects this problem has on the environment and why we should be better about this certain topic. Lastly, you will write a paragraph on what people and yourself can and do about this certain problem to make our world better Not only should you write your blog entry but I want you to make your own TED talk with the Camera built into your ChromeBook |