Have kids invest in stock market with real money
Work or donations to charity
Online learning for all class work
Genius hour for reading and writing.
Create a brain pop like site together
Build websites or companies and nonprofits
Start a business selling something.
Kids teaching different parts of material
Political action and solution for local or global problem.
Big feild trip for service and learning
Raquetteball lake at beginning of year.
Have blogging be next PD tool
Pinterest as districts content sharing platform. 5seconds every pin. 8 minute for every 100 pins
ILP individual learning plan. Meet with every student as often as possible to discuss progress and goals. Maybe every other day. This way pushed kids beyond average and slower kids to success
Have as many adults from community in building teaching as possible. Cornell IC and greater ithaca community.
Have students from all local universities come to my room to act as tutors and try to for one extra hand in the room at all times to help. Have tasks and directions for them. Also involve parents of kids.
Implement fun theory and game theory into all classroom activities