Office snapshot is goin to be a great place to collect inspiration for my classroom. I'm debating on a more modern look and less outdoorsy. I'm thinking maybe the metal shelving units they use at ikea an lowes More monochrome with splashed of color. Just some ideas WANT TO HELP KIDS SOLVE PROBLEMS? HAVE THEM DESIGN THEIR OWN SOLUTIONSUSING THEIR OPEN-SOURCE TOOLKIT, FROG DESIGN HELPED STUDENTS IDENTIFY AND TACKLE AN ISSUE THEY CARED ABOUT. Frog kit has a new way for students and community members to solve their community problems. This article Explains how when kids make solutions they lean so many more applicable skills. Collective Action Toolkit(CAT)--our open-source guide to design thinking--in their classrooms and community meetings.hekps students organize and make a difference. Article about brainstorming with the kit here. One part that is very hard for students is they are in charge. Rice game online to help kids want to help other any playing learning games and donates grains of rice to poor kids Check in with other schools for multiple copies PD library section at each school Corporate sponsors both big and small Look for local businesses to invest in kids Offer free advertising on website to sponsors Advertise on website and have kids click on links each day Calendar sale every year Sell magazine fund raiser Big yard sale end of year Learn a thon for grades and improvemtn Money goes to charity and class for good grades Sell items on tpt Have a donate button on website. revenue Donors choose and other crowd sourcing Bowl a thon Make websites for businesses Stock market playing Corporate sponsors both big and small Look for local businesses to invest in kids Offer free advertising on website to sponsors Advertise on website and have kids click on links each day Calendar sale every year Sell magazine fund raiser Big yard sale end of year Learn a thon for grades and improvemtn Money goes to charity and class for good grades Sell items on tpt Have a donate button on website. revenue Donors choose and other crowd sourcing Bowl a thon Make websites for businesses Stock market playing Corporate sponsors both big and small Look for local businesses to invest in kids Offer free advertising on website to sponsors Advertise on website and have kids click on links each day Calendar sale every year Sell magazine fund raiser Big yard sale end of year Learn a thon for grades and improvemtn Money goes to charity and class for good grades Sell items on tpt Have a donate button on website. revenue Donors choose and other crowd sourcing Bowl a thon Make websites for businesses Stock market playing
Have kids invest in stock market with real money Work or donations to charity Online learning for all class work Genius hour for reading and writing. Create a brain pop like site together Build websites or companies and nonprofits Start a business selling something. Kids teaching different parts of material Political action and solution for local or global problem. Big feild trip for service and learning Raquetteball lake at beginning of year. Have blogging be next PD tool Pinterest as districts content sharing platform. 5seconds every pin. 8 minute for every 100 pins ILP individual learning plan. Meet with every student as often as possible to discuss progress and goals. Maybe every other day. This way pushed kids beyond average and slower kids to success Have as many adults from community in building teaching as possible. Cornell IC and greater ithaca community. Have students from all local universities come to my room to act as tutors and try to for one extra hand in the room at all times to help. Have tasks and directions for them. Also involve parents of kids. Implement fun theory and game theory into all classroom activities First few weeks if school every kid needs to work on math facts and hv them mastered so they can then be able to perform all other math in the year. Make an incentive program with some reward. Monitor through xtramath and have multiple ways to learn facts. Send home articles and ideas to parents. Do speed tests and reward special ed kids for improvement. When I think if how I learn it's usually to do don't king or for pure enjoyment. However when for enjoyment often times no accountability means no real progress. When I do a project around the house I search and collect ideas and how to on the net predominately blogs and YouTube. Then I also ask advice of those whom know more the me. I often like to have an accomplice to help here and there but not necessarily a partner. Learning should often be the same afterwards I like to show my labors and rejoice in my project. A reason to learn then self directed could be very beneficial to students. But even with math I think videos are often better because I can rewind a video over and over and not feel dumb where i am afraid to ask the teacher because I a don't want to look dumb. B don't want to annoy and c don't get the chance. a site where you can find similar sites by searching. |
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