Today we reviewed dividing fractions for next weeks district math test. We excitedly started our new book club book A Wrinkle in Time. I started some new features to go along with the book. There are definitions along with pictures that display different objects students aren't likely to be familiar with such as tesseracts. In science we started a new unit about landforms. I wanted to make it more phone so I threw in the element f zombies. The problem to solve is this; if there were a zombie apocalypse what landform would be best and why. They then will explain the landform it's advantages and disadvantages. They also get to include a list of what they would pack in this event. We reviewed coordinate planes for math today. We did this with ith practice gets and computer games similar to battleship. In library we presented our environmental blogs to each other and commented on those. It was voting day so we had couldn't do outdoor lunch bunch or outdoor read aloud. Instead we looked at the book A Wrinkle in Time which will be our next booking book. Today was our last day to have class time to work on robots. Most finished their robot and a few will be working during rti time and at home to finish. What a great Monday. We reviewed for next weeks math test. In ELA we wrote short introductions of ourselves for our Cayuga heights partners for next weeks nature center field trip. Mrs White's 1st grade class invited us up to see and tour their writing projects and see what they have learned. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was a huge success as our new read aloud. The day was finished with us working on our robots for the k buddies. For obvious reasons our field trip was cancelled. I guess rain or shine doesn't include flooding. Instead we watched the movie Hugo and ate popcorn for the morning. After that we ate lunch and then worked in our robots. We finished the day with our k-buddies. We had an awesome start to the day. They came in and immediately started working on their kinetic robots. They were so enthraled and engaged I didn't dare stop them for morning meeting. They did the pacer in PE. We finished my side of the Mountain today. Most students have is 4 stars. Math was partly review. Finding averages or the mean was the topic of the day. For science we practiced our observation skills to hone in for the Lab of Orinthology tomorrow. Speaking of the Lab of O, we are going there rain or shine so please dress accordingly. I would even suggest sending an extra pair of clothes. To end the day a bunch of us met at Buffalo street Books for our poetry reading. Esther, Jack and Atticus came to support the poets. We had an interesting day. Yeterday the students were quite rude to the sub. I wanted to sen a clear message that that behavior is to not be tolerated. This morning we were not allowed to talk. The students copied the definitions of character traits and how they will implement them into their daily lives. The nod of the day was far more fun though. We had some friends from cornell come by and help us make kinetic robots out of everyday materials. We started a new read aloud book; The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P Figg. Tyler, our practicum student had his last day with us. In math we learned about line plots and then conducted out own research to make line plots ourselves. We are still reading my side of the mountain and loving it. We made angles with spaghetti and marshmallows. We also received our poetry anthology from ms Wolfe. Wonder had a great finale and it received 5 stars from the majority of students. Math. We finished the state math test. ELA. My Side if the Mountain book club. We play outside with our k buds and then showed the kindergartner sour chromebooks. Math: Day 2 of the state test
ELA We listened to professional story-tellers Mitch and Martha in an assembly Science: We did a questionairre to determine our Carbon Footp |
Mr. VanGo
5th Grade teacher at Caroline Elementary. Archives
December 2015