We had another fire drill
We met Mrs. VanGo (Esther, My wife) Gym: gymnastics Our first South Hill Shines for the year Estimation with multiplication Finished storyboards and worked on Frindle or the Report Card. Sophia and the BFG have hatched a grand plan.
They caught dreams and blew a nightmare into FleshLumpEaters face. (BFG)
We had 2 firedrills today! We finished our websquests for government We started our letter to the city council How to multiply 10s, 100s, and 1000s Some of us read Frindle, The Report Card, and some finished storyboards. We made our own personal e-portfolio website
We took a baseline ELA writing test Art: Popcorn party and square one art The BloodBottler Giant hates shnozzcumbers (BFG) Scavenger hunt webquest about our brnaches of government (federal, sta The BFG collects dreams
We played Branches of Power and learned how to make a LAW Prime Factorization and Factor trees Frindle storyboards and summarization We watched Matilda and compared it to the book
Factors and multiples Frindle chapter 6 and storyboards Rural adventure at the Youth Center Started the book The BFG, and sophie was kidnapped by the BFG
We made class goals and rewards for good behavior We took our Baseline Math test. No math HW We played a game about being the president and how he/she works with the other two branches We worked on our setting paragraphs and read. PE: gymnastics We reviewed EDMODO and how to use it. We finished the book Matilda, and she was adopted by Miss Honey
We continued to use rounding in division We organized our desks Character traits list and played charades with traits word of the day: Phenomenon We started the Class Dojo point chart We found out that Miss Trunchbull is Miss Honey's evil aunt
We learned to round with operations (adding, subtracting, division, etc We learned about the Three branches of government and their duties There are checks and balances in the government gymnastics in PE We had a fire drill Library: we took a Multiple intelligence survey Sorry the post is a bit late
Today we learned about/did:
Today we learned...
We learned about...
We had a great first day!
It was great to meet all of the students and I can tell this is a great bunch of kids. I can already tell we will have an awesome year being with the students for only a few minutes. |
Mr. VanGo
5th Grade teacher at Caroline Elementary. Archives
December 2015